Digital Dentistry

Digital Dentistry

Another example of putting into 3 Dimensional devices into our lives is digital dentistry devices which are developed with the last technology. Digital Era for dentistry has already started and being developed as fast as it can.

Digital Dentistry Devices can be sort as follows;

  • 3D Tomography devices
  • Digital Radiography devices
  • Cad-Cam devices
  • Aesthetic Design softwares and production devices

With the help of routine usage of 3D Tomography devices, success rate for dental surgical operations is raised up. 3D Tomography devices used to be expensive deivces and just could be found in big hospitals. But they can be found in lots of dental clinics anymore. With the help of tomographic examination we can determine the jaw bone’s density, quality and all shape in a few minutes. So the risks of surgical operation are minimised as the surgeon has a lot data for the area he’ll work.

With the improvements of Digital Radiography Devices, the radiation dozage is reduced to 1/20 times as it was before. And also artifacts on the x-ray scene are aborted about 90%. As it is digitally worked, results can be taken in a short time which makes the whole treatment durations shorter.

Cad-Cam devices can be named as the biggest technological development for digital dentistry. Many treatment types are effected possitively by the help of these devices.

If the treatment is upon making a big dental filling, impression of the cavity is taken with a special camera, filling is designed on the computer with special 3D softwares and the restoration is produced by milling machines from the selected material. We used to take conventional impressions with silicone materials, close the cavity with temporary fillings, and fix the restoration after minimum 4-5 days later on a secondary session. Now this whole procedure can be finished in 90-120 minutes in one session. According to case’s specifications digital impression can be send to dental laboratory with just one click, or the restoration can be designed and produced in the clinic.

Procedures of dental technician’s work is reduced to 1 day with digital devices, which used to be 5-6 days with analog workflow, for aesthetic treatments (such as Hollywood Smile /Smile Design) with the help of Cad-Cam devices. Designing and producing the best teeth and smile design can be achieved fast and perfect when 3D printers are used. Patients can test the prototype of the new smile design before starting the treatment.
For flapless surgeries for dental implant application, special guides can be produced with usage of 3D tomography, Cad-Cam devices and special softwares. This helps the surgeon to reduce the risks, which will end with a perfect prosthetic rehabilitation.

Dental photography and video capturing is used as Aesthetic Design Methods. These datas are adapted to special softwares and best customized smile designs are created for “Hollywood Smile” cases.

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Dentist Yaman Yücesoy

