Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)


Having “shiny and white teeth” is the global point of view for having a good smile. Many studies are done for this topic for over hundreds of years. Teeth whitening application can be done to make people happy, whose teeth are discolored due to enviromental factors (drug usage, smoking, insufficient oral care, colored food usage, etc..) genetic factors.
Standart ultrasonic teeth cleaning and surface polishing has to be done before “Teeth whitening” procedure.

Teeth whitening can be done in two ways;

Office Bleaching :

  • Gum protection gel is applied first.
  • Whitening gel is applied on teeth surface.
  • Whitening gel is refreshed in every 15 minutes.
  • Special light application can be done to upgrade the effect of whitening gel.
  • Session is finished after 60 minutes, and can be redone 2 days later. (optional)

Home Bleaching :

  • İmpression of teeth are taken to produce model of jaws.
  • A special guard is produced in labrotary, customized for every patient.
  • Demonstration of usage of the guard and whitening gel is done for the patient.
  • Whitening gel is applied into guard and guard is fitted to teeth. Patient can have the chance to apply the guard whenever he/she wants.
  • Teeth has to be brushed as well as the guard, after usage of 120 miutes.
  • Perfect whitenin is successed after application of 3 days continuously.

Colored food/drinks are not supposed to be used for 7 days.

Appointment Request Form

Fill the form for Appointment & More Info request.
You may request an appointment or more info about the treatments by filling the form below.
Also you may call us directly or via WhatsApp app.
+90 543 579 12 13
+90 543 579 12 13

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+90 543 579 12 13

Contact via Whatsapp


Dentist Yaman Yücesoy

